What Does Turfgrass Salinity Tolerance Really Mean?

The most complex and confusing abiotic environmental stress that can be imposed on turfgrass ecosystems is salinity. And there are multiple salinities depending on soil and water pH as well as composition of critical salt ions/compounds: sodium, chlorides, sulfates, bicarbonates, and magnesium. Superimpose changing environmental conditions and site specific soil ecosystem differences, and management becomes a challenge. These salts are a growth regulator, a potential toxin, and a soil + plant accumulator. Bicarbonates and their cation complexes are not absorbed by plants and thus are primarily soil accumulators.

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Atlas Turf Arabia, the first and only turf farm in Saudi Arabia to offer licensed and certified turfgrass.

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Atlas Turf Arabia Welcomes New Farm Manager

New Farm Manager Kevin Coghlan and Assistant Farm Manager Abdulaziz Almansour bring together a combined, 23 years’ worth of golf construction, grow-in and daily turfgrass maintenance knowledge to help further grow and expand the projects that Atlas Turf Arabia are working on.

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Platinum TE™ Paspalum is on the World Stage

When “all the world’s a stage,” the performance must be spot on. Scott MacCallum of Turf Matters recently interviewed John Holmes of Atlas Turf International to discuss what qualities of Platinum TE™ Paspalum make it the turfgrass star of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

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#DrivingTheGreen – GEO Foundation

2022 has presented additional global pressure on delivering significant changes to the way we all live, both in personal circumstances and at work. Soaring heat, rises in energy cost and pressures on water supply continue to be at the attention of all stakeholders within golf and across the world.

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